- Wednesday, July 1, 2015 2:17 PM
- PeterPanFan
This morning there was an app update for the game that added two new "Frozen Fever" Tsums to the game!
The added Tsums are Birthday Anna and Surprise Elsa.
Birthday Anna is essentially the same as normal Anna; however, instead of taking 16 Tsums to power up her skill you "only" have to clear 15 Anna Tsums with the birthday version. Other than that and a different animation that pauses the clock there isn't much difference.
Surprise Elsa is different than normal Elsa. When you use her power she summons "Snowgies" which are little snowmen that appear on the screen. Her power description says to "Tap the Snowgies to clear surrounding Tsum Tsums" which does work; however, if you just tap them you are going to end up with bad scores and very few coins. What you really want to do is swipe your finger back and forth really fast over the Snowgies and when you release your finger they will all clear Tsums at once and count as one chain. Her power is decent especially at higher skill levels but you have to take game time to swipe over all the Snowgies which is less than ideal.
Like most new Tsums there is "Lucky Time" until the end of day July 5th so you have a better than normal chance of getting the new Tsums.

Also added in this update were daily login bonuses for July. Basically for each day you log into the game in July you will get a bonus item sent to you (well really it is only for the first 12 days in July you log in... after you have logged in for 12 days in July you won't get any further bonuses). There is a newly added screen that will display the list of bonuses and track your progress through the list. The bonuses consist mostly of coins and hearts but also include some rubies, bonus item tickets, and a premium box for the 12th day. Sadly this still isn't an event like the Japanese game keeps getting but free items are always nice and it is better than the clunky system they have been using up until now for bonus items where you had to enter a code into a screen in the game that wasn't obvious.

Final bit of game news is related to the Japanese game. While we mostly focus on the international version here, since eventually the Tsums that are added to the Japanese version get added to the international version, Japanese updates give us a sneak peek at what is going in the future.
The Japanese game just had 4 new premium box Tsums added: Lightening McQueen, Tow Mater, Randell (from Monsters, Inc), and Rex (from Toy Story). A 5th Chick Hicks Tsum shows up during the event but not sure how/if you can actually get him. Hopefully these interesting events start being added to the international game at some point as they look like a lot of fun and had another dimension to the game.