- Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:57 PM
- PeterPanFan
Tonight we finally found Tsum Tsums at a local Walmart and of course we purchased some to compare them to existing Tsum Tsums.
They had a decent selection including both the core Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Stitch, Marie and Dumbo Tsums as well as Toy Story and Little Mermaid. We expect the range to expand to include other Tsums as well.

The first thing to note is that these Tsum Tsums have the "Disney Collection" cloth tags the same as Target and JCPenney so in theory they should basically be the same; however, there are some noticeable differences between the Walmart and Target Tsum Tsums (and the item numbers on the tags are different).
First, generally, the ones we bought don't feel as "stuffed" as the Target Tsum Tsums and are closer in feel to the Disney Store Tsum Tsums. Also, there are some noticeable fabric color differences with the Walmart Tsums being closer to the Disney Store Tsums as well.
There are also in a few cases differences in the features of the Tsums. The best example is Donald where he has a black tassel on his hat that is missing on all other versions except the original Japanese version of Donald. Also the shape of his hat and beak are different. In this picture the left is Disney Store, the middle is Walmart, and the right is Target:

Overall the Walmart Tsums seem closer to the Disney Store Tsums. It is possible that, after getting complaints, they made changes to the manufacturing of the "Disney Collection" Tsum Tsums and these changes will eventually make it to Target (and other stores) as well since it doesn't make much sense to have different versions of the same Tsums in the same "collection". We definitely hope this is the case as the quality of Target Tsum Tsums has been pretty mixed and so far these seem to be better overall.
We took a bunch of side by side comparison pictures. In all these pictures the Disney Store Tsum is on the left, the Walmart Tsum is in the middle, and the Target Tsum is on the right. Some of the color differences aren't quite as obvious in the pictures but they are very noticeable in person if you hold them side by side.

Here is a close up of the tags with the Walmart Tag on the left and the Target tag on the right.

Have you found Tsum Tsums at Walmart yet? What do you think of their quality?